Signs You Need to DETOX

Hey you, yes you! I’m sure you’re wondering, why in the world do I need to detox!? I didn’t just go on a weekend bender or over-indulge in my favorite foods; what’s the need!?

Welp, here it is! Everyday our bodies are bombarded by toxins. Whether it’s in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the products we use on our body (check out the app YUKA to see what you’re ingesting or putting on your body- gross!), or just the regular day-to-day stresses that cause chemical changes in our bodies– you NEED to detox! Check out below and see some of the signs your body may be giving to say “HELP!”

1. Chronic fatigue: a condition called adrenal fatigue occurs when your brain and adrenal glands are not working well. Often, it is caused by high levels of cortisol from toxins, inflammation, stress, or chemical imbalance.

2. Inability to lose weight: often caused by insatiable cravings from a diet that is high in processed foods. These food types tend to increase your blood sugar and hormone levels which keeps you in a constant state of hunger.

3. Digestive issues: symptoms of digestive issues include diarrhea, bloating, gas and constipation. Going for detox will give your gut a break, allowing your GI system to restore the natural chemical balance to optimize digestion.

4. Headaches: aspartame, an artificial sweetener, and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer, as well as preservatives, food colors, and heavy metals, such as mercury can, interfere with brain oxidation and even kill brain cells leading to headaches.

5. Poor sleep: often occurring due to high levels of cortisol at night related to poor adrenal gland function (see above). Typically cortisol, a fight or flight hormone, is highest during the day. Alterations in this hormone can significantly impact sleep-wake cycles.

6. Poor skin appearance: you’re skin is the LARGEST organ in your body and the way many toxins get eliminated is through pores in your skin. Sometimes these toxins can interact with your skin causing rashes, breakouts or eczema.

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