Know Before you Come: DRIP Prep 101

Here are some easy steps that will allow you to prepare both mentally and physically for your sweat or plunge session here at DRIP Infrared Sauna & Cold Plunge Studio.

How to Prepare for Your Sweat Session:

  1. A light snack prior to sweating is ok, however you do not want a full belly for your session!
  2. Come hydrated and stay hydrated! We recommend choosing drinks with electrolytes.
  3. Please do not apply oils or lotions prior to your session. After can be beneficial as your pores are more open allowing lotions to be more effective.
  4. Don’t sweat deciding what to wear. Every client gets a DRIP ‘sweat suit’ to change into for their session. Don’t want to change? Make sure you wear your own loose-fitting pants and a long sleeve shirt– cotton is preferable. Oh yes, and don’t forget the socks!
  5. DRIP sweat sessions are 50 minutes. During your session, clients get their choice of aromatherapy and TV/music entertainment.
  6. Sessions are customizable for both duration and temperature, although we recommend at least a 40-minute session.
  7. Unlike traditional saunas that are typically set to a pre-determined temperature. Our infrared sauna detox wraps gradually heat to your desired temperature. Meaning, around the 15 to 20-minute mark is when you’ll likely start to feel the heat!
  8. No need to bring towels or water; dry and cold towels are provided for each session as well as a cold water!
  9. After your session, you may want to have loose-fitting clothes to get back into as you’ll surely work up a sweat!

How to Prepare for Your Plunge Session:

  1. Clients must bring their own attire to ‘Plunge’ in. We recommend a bathing suit or compression shorts and a sports bra for women. If you have pain in your legs with plunging, try leggings for added insulation!
  2. During your plunge, breath control is key. Control your breathing as you immerse your body. Try what is referred to as ‘box breathing’ (4-second inhale, 4-second hold, 4-second exhale).
  3. Given that our plunge typically runs between 45-50 degrees, the max time we allow clients to stay in is 15 minutes. However, this isn’t necessary to experience the benefits of plunging; typically all that’s needed is between 3-5 minutes of cold water exposer to reap vast health benefits.
  4. Initial pain or discomfort is common, particularly in your legs and toes. This is due to the blood vessels narrowing and decrease in blood flow to the extremities. This shunting of blood flow helps to keep your core warm. This pain should dissipate in 1-2 minutes.
  5. All clients are provided with dry towels for after their session.
  6. Clients may want to bring loose-fitting, warmer clothes to change into after their session.
  7. We recommend clients bring something to put their wet clothes into after their cold plunge session.

Who Can’t Participate:

You must be 18 or older to participate in any activity at DRIP without parental consent. Clients under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign their liability waiver.

Please speak with your physician if you have any of the below conditions:

  1. Pregnant or nursing.
  2. Diagnosed with a heart or blood vessel condition.
  3. Heat or cold intolerance.
  4. Diabetic with decreased feeling/sensation.
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